Find playlist curators and grow your audience

PlaylistPlug helps you connect with playlist curators on Spotify and get your music heard.


Never pay for placements or bot streams ever again.

Use our tool to find curators of popular Spotify playlists, and then reach out to them to share your music. Placement on these playlists makes a huge impact on your discoverability. Start searching now.

Playlist plug screenshot
Playlist plug screenshot

A new way to find an audience for your music

PlaylistPlug can help you grow your audience with playlist placements, finding you more listeners and driving more streams of your music. Start searching for playlists now – we recommend searching for playlists by genre or mood for the best results.

Artists First

Our goal is to empower artists to expand their audience through genuine connections with playlist curators.


Search for any genre or keyword to find playlist curators that you vibe with.


Sort by playlist follower count to find playlists that can give you the boost you’re looking for.


You have enough bills already. We help you connect with playlist curators directly for free.


Export your search to CSV to keep track of which curators you’ve contacted.

About PlaylistPlug

PlaylistPlug was created by, a collective of designers, developers, and creatives who are committed to building tools that serve real needs for users on the web. Spotify playlists are one of the dominant spaces where music is discovered and shared, but breaking into that ecosystem as a new artist can be a daunting challenge. Many existing playlist services charge hundreds of dollars for a chance at placements. We’re not interested in competing with them. PlaylistPlug leverages the existing curators on Spotify, and helps musicians connect and build relationships with them. We hope that this tool will help build communities around music between artists, curators, and listeners.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is PlaylistPlug?
Why use PlaylistPlug?
Who is PlaylistPlug for?
How do I use PlaylistPlug?
Who are the playlist curators?

The best way to find playlist curators and grow your audience.


© 2022 PlaylistPlug. All rights reserved.